About Me

A place to house my apps as they're created, for a variety of reasons.

There are a number of things I would like to create.

To honor the ones that I've loved and lost dear to me.
A place to show off various projects.
Somewhere to share some of my experiences, for better or worse.
Financial Analyzer
Still not sure what I'd like here, but I've got plenty of ideas.
I created this site to house my projects and ideas. There are many things I would like to create, and this is one of the places I will be sharing them. I have a few things I'd like to create, such as an obituary page to honor the ones I've loved and lost, a portfolio to show off my projects, a blog to share my experiences, and a financial analyzer to help me manage my finances. I'm still not sure what I'd like to do with the financial analyzer, but I have plenty of ideas. I have plenty of ideas for a variety of applications, from a simple CLI to a full-fledged web application. I'm excited to see where this journey takes me, and I hope you'll join me along the way.